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Food Waste and Rubbish Disposal in Food Handling Areas

Immediate Removal of Food Waste: It is critical to remove food waste and other rubbish from areas where food is present promptly to prevent accumulation.

Rubbish Container Requirements

Rubbish, including food waste, must be stored in sealed containers. However, alternative methods can be used if they meet local authority standards. These containers should be robust, easily cleanable, and disinfectable when necessary.

Waste Storage and Disposal Facilities

Facilities for storing and disposing of food waste and rubbish must be adequate. They should be designed to maintain cleanliness and prevent animal and pest infestations.

Hygienic and Eco-friendly Disposal

All waste must be disposed of in a manner that is both hygienic and environmentally responsible, following legal requirements. Local authorities can provide specific guidelines for certain types of food waste disposal.

Preventing Contamination

Waste must not become a source of contamination, either directly or indirectly, such as by contacting food preparation surfaces or attracting pests.

Proper Disposal of Cooking Oil

  • Safe Storage: Cooking oil waste should be securely stored to prevent leaks and spills.
  • Authorised Collection: It must be collected by authorised personnel for recycling or disposal at approved facilities.
  • No Drains or Sewers: Disposing of waste oil in drains or sewers is prohibited as it leads to blockages and environmental hazards, potentially resulting in legal consequences.
  • Separate from Other Wastes: Cooking oil should not be mixed with other kitchen wastes to avoid spillage and contamination.
  • Commercial Waste Restrictions: Commercial waste oil cannot be disposed of at civic amenity sites or oil banks.

For further advice on oil and food waste disposal, contact your local authority.