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Food Hygiene Ratings Explained

Overview of Food Hygiene Ratings

Food hygiene ratings indicate the hygiene standards of businesses at the time of inspection by food safety officers.

Understanding Food Hygiene Ratings

The ratings range from:

  • Rating 0: Urgent improvements required
  • Rating 1: Major improvement necessary
  • Rating 2: Improvement necessary
  • Rating 3: Generally satisfactory
  • Rating 4: Good
  • Rating 5: Very good (top rating)

Inspection Process

During an inspection, food safety officers assess:

  • How food is handled, prepared, cooked, re-heated, cooled, and stored.
  • The condition of the building structure, cleanliness, layout, lighting, and ventilation.
  • Management practices to ensure food safety and future maintenance of standards.

Importance of Ratings

Each element inspected is crucial to ensure that food hygiene standards meet legal requirements and food sold is safe to consume.

Improvement and Communication

Businesses not achieving the top rating receive guidance on necessary improvements. Ratings reflect overall performance considering areas needing improvement and associated health risks.

Displaying Ratings

Businesses receive a sticker or certificate showing their rating, which they can display prominently to inform customers about their hygiene standards.

Accessing Ratings

Customers can verify ratings on the Food Standards Agency’s website to make informed choices about where to eat or shop.