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Natasha's Law and Pre-packed Direct Sale (PPDS) Food

Understanding Pre-packed and PPDS Products

Pre-packed products are foods placed into packaging before sale, including fully enclosed items or those that cannot be changed without opening the packaging. Pre-packed direct sale (PPDS) products are prepared and sold on the same premises, such as sandwiches, pies, or cakes.

Impact of Natasha's Law

Before October 2021, only pre-packaged foods required full ingredient and allergen labelling. Natasha's Law now mandates that both pre-packaged and PPDS foods must clearly list all ingredients, with any of the 14 allergens highlighted on the label.

Regulations for Free From Claims

Foods labelled as free from, gluten-free, or vegan must adhere to strict controls in ingredients, handling, and preparation. A free from claim ensures suitability for individuals with allergies or intolerances. Products that may contain allergens due to cross-contamination should not be labelled as free from and should be avoided by sensitive individuals.

Important Note: Labels warning about possible cross-contamination (e.g., "may contain traces of wheat" or "made in a factory handling nuts") do not qualify for free from claims.