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The Eat Well Plate: A Guide to Healthy Eating

Overview of the Eat Well Plate

The Eat Well Plate is a visual diagram that represents a balanced diet divided into five sections, each highlighting a specific food group and recommended portion sizes for optimal health.

Segments of the Eat Well Plate

  • Fruit and Vegetables: Provide essential minerals, vitamins, dietary fibre, and carbohydrates.
  • Bread, Rice, Potatoes, Pasta and Other Starchy Foods: Offer starchy carbohydrates, dietary fibre (especially in unrefined forms), minerals, vitamins, and protein.
  • Meat, Fish, Eggs, Beans and Other Non-Dairy Sources of Protein: Supply protein, minerals (especially iron), and some vitamins.
  • Milk and Dairy Foods: Provide protein, vitamins, minerals, and are a key source of calcium.
  • Foods High in Fat or Sugar: Contain fats (particularly saturated fats) and sugars.

The Eat Well Plate model was updated in 2007 and is endorsed by the Food Standards Agency for food education in Great Britain.

We will explore each segment of the Eat Well Plate in detail in subsequent sections.