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Workplace Responsibilities and Hygiene Guidelines

Legal Requirements and Responsibilities

Ensuring compliance with workplace regulations and responsibilities:

  • Wear and store personal protective equipment (PPE) correctly at all times.
  • Report any damages or issues with PPE to your manager immediately.
  • Maintain high personal hygiene standards as per company policies.

Cleanliness and Hygiene Practices

Important practices to maintain cleanliness and hygiene:

  • Keep all work areas, including floors, entrances, and exits, clean and tidy.
  • Avoid touching hair, nose, or mouth while handling food to prevent contamination.
  • Avoid coughing or sneezing over food to prevent bacterial transfer.

Restrictions on Personal Items

Guidelines on personal items and appearance:

  • Only wear a simple wedding band; jewellery with jewels and watches are prohibited.
  • Avoid using nail varnish to prevent potential contamination; keep nails short.

Reporting and Quality Control

Procedures for reporting issues and maintaining food quality:

  • Report any packaging damage, discolouration, or rust on tins to your manager promptly.
  • Ensure every item of food is produced with cleanliness in mind to avoid issues.

Understanding Workplace Policies

Know and adhere to specific workplace policies and procedures:

  • Understand the unique policies of your workplace; seek clarification from your manager when needed.