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Food Safety in Moveable and Temporary Food Premises

Operating food vans, marquees, market stalls, vending machines, or food preparation from home requires adherence to specific food safety rules.

Premises and Machine Standards

Such premises and vending machines must be located and designed to minimise contamination risks, especially from animals and pests, and must be kept clean and well-maintained.

Personal Hygiene Facilities

  • Operators must have access to facilities for personal hygiene including toilets, hand washing and drying facilities, and changing areas.

Surface Hygiene Requirements

Food contact surfaces must be in good condition, easy to clean and, if necessary, disinfect. They should be made of smooth, washable, corrosion-resistant, and non-toxic materials, unless approved by local authorities.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Utensils and Equipment

Adequate facilities for cleaning and disinfecting working utensils and equipment are essential.

Food Washing Facilities

  • Facilities for hygienic food washing or cleaning must be available if relevant to the business.

Water Supply

A sufficient supply of hot and cold drinking quality water must be maintained.

Storage and Disposal of Waste

There must be appropriate arrangements and facilities for the hygienic storage and disposal of hazardous and inedible substances and waste, both liquid and solid.

Food Temperature Control

  • Facilities or arrangements should be in place for keeping food at suitable temperatures, with the capability to monitor these temperatures.

Preventing Food Contamination

Food should be stored and handled in a manner that minimises contamination risks as much as reasonably possible.