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Pest Control and Hygiene in Food Safety

Risks Posed by Pests

Pests such as rats, mice, and insects can jeopardise food safety in several ways:

  • They can transfer diseases.
  • They may contaminate food directly.
  • Larger pests can damage equipment and infrastructure.

Main Groups of Pests

There are three main groups of pests to be aware of:

  • Rodents: Including rats and mice.
  • Insects: Such as cockroaches, beetles, ants, and flies.
  • Birds: Including pigeons or seagulls.

Preventing and Managing Pests

To prevent pests from impacting food safety, follow these guidelines:

  • Install and maintain appropriate fly control systems.
  • Regularly inspect for signs of pests like bodies, damage to food, or scratching noises.
  • Report and resolve any pest problems immediately to avoid business closure.
  • Exclude pests by sealing gaps with gnaw-resistant materials like cement or wire mesh.
  • Keep doors and windows fitted with pest screens to prevent entry.
  • Practice good housekeeping to eliminate food debris and reduce hiding places.

Hygiene Practices for Cockroach Control

For effective control of cockroaches, implement these hygiene practices:

  • Store food in airtight containers.
  • Immediately clean up food debris and waste.
  • Fix leaks and reduce access to water sources.
  • Remove clutter and seal crevices to eliminate hiding spots.
  • Vacuum regularly and dispose of waste properly.

Dealing with Pest Infestations

If a pest infestation is detected, take immediate action:

  • Temporarily close affected areas until the infestation is cleared.
  • Contact a professional pest control contractor for assessment and treatment.
  • Report the issue to the Environmental Health office for further assistance.
  • Dispose of any contaminated food properly.
  • Avoid closure by ensuring compliance with hygiene regulations.

Effective pest control and hygiene practices are crucial to maintaining food safety standards and preventing business disruptions.