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Safe Water Supply in Food Preparation

Ensuring the use of safe, drinking quality water is paramount in food preparation to avoid contamination of food.

Non-drinking Quality Water Usage

Where water of non-drinking quality is used (e.g., for fire control, steam production, refrigeration), it must run in a separate, clearly marked system. This system must be entirely independent from, and incapable of contaminating, the drinking water system.

Recycled Water Standards

Using recycled water in food processing or as an ingredient is permissible only if it poses no contamination risk. It must meet the same standards as safe drinking water, unless it can be demonstrated to the local authority that the water quality does not compromise the safety of the final food product.

Ice and Steam Safety Requirements

  • Ice: Ice in contact with food or drinks must be made from safe, drinking quality water. Its production, handling, and storage should prevent any risk of contamination.
  • Steam: Steam used directly in contact with food must be free from hazardous substances and should not contaminate food.

Heating Food in Sealed Containers

When heating food in hermetically sealed containers, care must be taken to ensure that the water used for cooling these containers post-heat treatment does not contaminate the food.